Sunday, September 30, 2007

Invisible transportation tool 隱形交通工具

Traffic officers are considering a draft traffic regulation requiring that cyclists must ride within one meter off the outer car parking line in the streets.
There will be no physical line painted on the pavement. Where the line exists must be judged by the cyclist himself. They call this an invisible bicycle lane concept.
Not to mention a traffic regulation must be as specific as possible, the one meter invisible lane lies in the most dangerous range for cycling in a street. It's very likely that a car driver would open its door or drive out its parking site abruptly, a cyclist constantly riding so close to the parking line, with no redundant space left as precautionary buffer zone, sooner or later he would be hit by a reckless driver.
Other propositions in the draft regulation seem more likely to dampen the convenience of cycling than to promote the use of this green transportation tool.
I think a functional infrastructure must be raised before any regulation is imposed. Doing nothing but regulating is not what a responsible government should do.
If they have difficulties in supplying bicycle lanes, why not see bicycle as it has always been, as invisible transportation tool - the regulation didn't see it, but it existed ubiquitously.
Note: I use my bicycle for leisure and sport purposes. I dare not ride into the urban jungle.

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